
Happy lockdown birthday Amma

  Lockdown !! Something which has taken all of us locked up for many days now, something which is not just a precaution     but a necessity now, something which we underestimated but proving crucial.. Amidst all this, some part of me   selfishly wish, damn If could freeze this lockdown for a while and do whats important (to me) !! I know that’s a selfish thought, well lockdown isn’t locking your thoughts after all.   So what’s that important thing, one might wonder.. And some may even say, these are the exact kind of thoughts which has put our country in this bad state.    Relax, I am that guy who generally only thinks of doing things and don’t do it, hence my thoughts are harmless, same applies here.  Coming to the “thing” now !! It’s my mom’s 60th birthday today (May 7th) and with all practicality I can’t wish her personally even though she is just 10 miles away.. so I thought why not write something special on my mom and make this at least a good virtual wish.. so stay with me, I wi